USQ curatorial internship program students Haylea Astbury and Hope Beliveau asssisting 2018 Curator Evan Hollis.
We may have a dedicated Curator to keep the vision of the Downlands Exhibition focused, but without our team of, (also very dedicated), volunteers we would not have a hope of bringing this fabulous show together. Our staff at the college go beyond the call to work with the Curator, marketing, admin, grounds and facilities, TRC, the media, all of our wonderful sponsors and of course – the Artists and Galleries who supply all of the amazing works.
Without this wonderful teamwork Toowoomba would not have enjoyed over three decades of this wonderful, ecclectic and very representational survey of local worked mingling well with recognized art from further abroad.
Downlands is the School of Choice and also the School of Community Values.
If you would like to assist as a volunteer we have a page on the site just for you! click here