RME DAX Portal Guidelines 2022

Re: RME Downlands Exhibition 2022

From the Curator…

We await in anticipation to see your submissions for selection into our September exhibition via our artist portal system.

The portal link is not public so please email the curator if you cannot find the link sent to you earlier. (Most invitations were emailed around 22 May)

Our exhibition has become very popular amongst artists in recent years.  We will find it necessary to be quite selective in 2022 in order to reduce our catalogue numbers from around 1200 down to 750 maximum so we may initially accept just one or two works from those you upload and then, in early August, select more from those submitted as required. If accepted these will works attract a $5 administration fee and be entered into our catalogue. No fees are charged for works not selected by the curator.

Works are selected based on building a broad representation of styles and media so if rejected it may simply be a case of too much competition within a certain genre. Good luck!


I highly recommend you read ALL the instructional information below prior to accessing your portal…

Please do not share this link with anyone at all – the Curator will individually contact artists.

All new exhibition enquiries should be directed to the curator at hollise@downlands.qld.edu.au


Important dates and details for the exhibition in September:

  • Artworks may be submitted for selection via our online portals any time after from now till 1 August.
  • You may submit up to six artworks (or sets of artworks). Invitation to submit works is not a guarantee of selection.
  • First round artworks will be selected by early August, and these will be charged a $5 non-refundable entry fee per catalogued item and a commission of 25% upon sale. The curator may then ask artists to provide extra works for our catalogue if necessary.
  • Brisbane artists are now responsible for delivery of their own works or by direct arrangement with curator. No drop point exists at Indooroopilly.
  • Private works to be delivered to the college 11-12 September. (Times to be advised)
  • Artist meet/information night 15 September (Times to be advised)
  • Gala opening 16 September 7pm
  • Exhibition close 25 September 4pm (No collection till 26th)
  • Sold/unsold artwork collection from the college 25-26 September. (Times to be advised)
  • Email hollise@downlands.qld.edu.au  if you have difficulties.


Artist delivery information will be published online on this page and updated with bulletin notifications…

We will be looking for volunteers, particularly for the whole month of September. All help


All artworks will be hung at the discretion of the curator and exhibition committee. All commission proceeds go to the College P&F.


Portal Instructions:


Utilize the link sent to you by the curator to an ArtGalleria.com website address (URL), which will ask for your email address to be entered in a field.

This will then send you a one-time only link which will grant you very secure access to your portal and the confidential data stored within.

You will need to follow this procedure each time you access your portal. There is no login and password, just access via the fresh link sent to your own email address.


Before you start using your portal, please ensure you have the following data prepared.

(Edit your portal, as necessary. Instructions below may seem complex but are quite straight forward.)


*The system may ask to set up credit card billing. This is for a $5 administration fee for each work selected from those you submit. Unselected works will not be charged.


  1. Supplier details (separate to Artist details)








TASS_ID_(DOWNLANDS_ID_CODE) – (Type Zero if you do not know this)

GST_STATUS (select from Drop-down Menu Registered/Unregistered/Hobby)

Bank account for sales remuneration





  1. Artist details  (add yourself or any other artists you represent – see image below)




Hint: – for Artist history (500 char)



Hint: About your artwork…





(If you represent another artist, you can now go back and add them here)


To edit these artist/contact details at any time – log back into your portal (use the link and enter your email address each time).

The Curator will approve all edits.


  1. Artworks (+ Artwork)


MEDIUM_TEXT – type and select from drop down list

ARTIST_PROFILE – Select the artist from those you entered above (Only one choice if it is just you, if entering several artworks, you can select the relevant artist here – see image below)

DIMENSIONS (Numeric CM – compulsory field)

RETAIL_PRICE (Our catalogue price – Please include commission and GST) https://downlandsart.com/gst/


ARTWORK IMAGES – upload your files here, you can add details shots if needed for each work, the first image entered will be your main image on our website.

Then press “Save” – this does not submit the data though; it just saves it so you can edit or add more.


  1. Submitting

 When you have checked all the details on your artwork and artist profiles entered simply hit the “Submit button under the artwork or “Submit All” up near the add new Artwork button to save time and possible system lags.

If you decide to withdraw work from your portal, you can do so if the curator has not approved a submission and entered it into the system. You cannot edit details after you have submitted them.

All works are subject 25% commission and to the relevant GST charges upon sale unless otherwise arranged with the curator.

See here for Conditions of entry and GST details https://downlandsart.com/gst/

Example (if not registered for GST)

An artwork is valued at $100.

It is sold at $100.

Commission (say 25%) payable to the College is calculated on the sale price.

That is: Commission payable = 25% of $100 = $25

The College will also collect 10% GST on the commission earned. That is: 10% x $25 = $2.50

The College retains $27.50 and pays $2.50 GST.

The artist is forwarded a cheque for $72.50.

$27.50 + $72.50 = $100 initially received from the purchaser of the artwork.

(Bookmark this page for future reference)