New submissions welcome

by | Feb 27, 2020

If you are keen on exhibiting at the 2020 RME Downlands Exhibition it’s best you contact our curator soon. Entry is by invitation and new exhibitors must be of a high quality indeed. In recent years we have found the exhibition to be growing too large to effectively exhibit all the works supplied. In 2020 the curator will be more selective than ever before in order to reduce the catalogue down to around 800 works (from recent levels of 1200 or more). We must consider our patrons and not overload them with too much choice! We are also limited by the physical space of our venue which is quite large, but does have limitations. The RME Downlands Exhibition is renowned for its high quality presentation and carefull selection of fine art works.

If interested in exhibiting, please contact the curator via email at – social media has its promotional uses but is not effective for this level of communication.