The Annual RME Downlands Exhibition – the Finest Art Exhibition in the region.
In 2021 the Annual RME Downlands Art Exhibition will be focussed upon a quality, well curated exhibition rather than a volume based art fair.
Previous exhibitors will be invited to exhibit by the curator. Many have already been contacted the curator but please email him directly if you have not been sent details by 1 June…
New suppliers have been invited to submit works for appraisal by 1 June and then the artist portals will be open for returning exhibitors to submit their own works for selection.
Initially only one or two works will be requested from those successful and towards the end of July we will have a good idea of how the exhibition will look from a curator’s point of view. After that time, we may invite artists to supply further works deemed ideal for our catalogue.
In recent years the popularity of our exhibition amongst exhibitors has resulted in an over- populated catalogue. This has resulted in many artists’ works being poorly positioned and also many prospective buyers being, simply, overwhelmed by the magnitude of the show and unable to make a confident choice about what to purchase. AS curator I believe we must revert to a quality over quantity presentation or risk losing our identity as being one of the finest, large scale group exhibitions in the country. This does not mean reducing the number of artists involved as that is our strength – the involvement of a huge range of talented artists of all genres and the skilled blending of these in our wonderful, pop up exhibition space. Viewer appreciation is paramount though, so the curator will be reducing the quantity of works from the majority of suppliers, even to just a single work in some cases.
- Artist profile pages are not visible unless artworks are accepted and catalogued.
- All work from last year will be deleted.
- Please start considering how your profile should appear. A photo of the artist with their work or a detail shot of a good piece is preferable to just a picture of the artist. One forte of our exhibition is the excellent web based catalogue we produce each year and the artists’ profile element in particular. Here artists are able to reveal, through a brief statement and selected biography, much about themselves and their art practice and also they are advised to supply links to their own web pages and social media profiles.
- The quality of the artists’ profile can influence the selection of their work for the physical exhibition and, of course, influence a buyer who may want a little background on an possible purchase.
Some important dates and details:
- New artist invitations to exhibit – published April/ May – due by 1 June.
- Portal Invitations for successful applicants and returning artists sent out from 1 June
- Limited artworks may be submitted for selection with an artists’ bio/CV to the curator via our online portals any time after 1 June till 1 August.
- Recommended Artists have website/social media as Downlands pages will need to be concise statements with links.
- Works will be selected by early August and these will be charged a $5 non-refundable entry fee per catalogued item and a commission of 25% upon sale.
- Works to be delivered to the college 12-13 September.
- There will be no Brisbane collection point this year. Contact curator if necessary.
- Hanging 14-16 September.
- Gala opening 17 September 7pm.
- Exhibition close 25 September 5pm.
- Sold/unsold artwork collection from the college 26-27 September.
- Volunteers welcome for hanging and demount.
Bookmark this page for future Exhibitor updates.
Kind regards
Evan Hollis – Curator 2021 RME DAX
(Hopefully we can all chat with Feature Artist Cathy Ellem in September!)